Will Chiesa remain at Juventus? Paganin: “It will depend a lot on Motta’s indications”

TMW Radio

Guest of TMW Radioduring Maracanawas the former footballer Antonio Paganin: “What can Conte do at Napoli? If Napoli wanted to start again and be credible, they chose the right person. He brings a certain appeal to set up the team. I don’t know how much ADL will have to spend to satisfy him, but I know that, like it or not, he brings a competitive team and we’ll see how much he will raise the level and where he can go as a coach who doesn’t have the cups involved, he’s very dangerous.”

Will Lautaro remain at Inter?
“I think the situation is clear. At the moment, regardless of the exchange rate, there are parameters to follow and we must not go beyond them, otherwise it would mean returning to the abyss of debt. And then everything can have repercussions on the group, with a procession of agents asking for adjustments at the top. There are rules to pursue a recovery, sorry that this is the situation but in this case it would be monetized by a transfer.”

Will Chiesa remain at Juve with Motta?
“He is a player whose qualities cannot be discussed, he is capable of making a difference but he has always left me with doubts about his character. It will depend a lot on the instructions of the coach, who perhaps prefers players to be trained and moulded.”