Venice, Gytkjaer: “I always want to play, that’s why I always give the manager a hard time”

To the microphones of DAZN the Venezia striker Christian Gytkjaer he spoke about his relationship with the Cremonese coach Giovanni Stroppa, with which he won promotion to Serie A with Monza, and of the final after the first leg ended 0-0: “Stroppa did very well, he is a strong coach and his team is there with us and it’s nice like that . – continues the Dane – Decisive in the final? Absolutely, I’m ready to decide another final. These matches are tough, dirty, today perhaps there was even a bit of fear but we must believe in it until the end and prepare as best we can for the match in Venice.”

How do you deal with not being a permanent owner?
“I’ll piss the coach off if I don’t play (smiles editor’s note), I’m always angry if I don’t because I always want to play and score. But football is like that, you have to train as hard as you can and be ready. But now I keep quiet and just think to work”.

What is the atmosphere like in the locker room?
“There is serenity, we are ready, we have worked for a year for these moments and we are ready and excited for Sunday. We are a strong team and with our fans supporting us it will be another match, everything will change.”