Thuram: “First I was Lilian’s son, now Marcus.” And he sets the goals: “20 goals and 20 assists”

He is no longer just the son of, but simply Marcus Thuram. The Inter striker has now earned himself a name and even a surname, distancing himself from his father Lilian. With goals and assists, which, however, according to the Nerazzurri himself, are still not enough. And so does the attacker, speaking to the newspaper Le Mondehe sets a new goal: “I want to reach 20 goals and 20 assists per season.”

“Before – Marcus points out – people knew me as Thuram’s son. Today I am above all Marcus Thuram. Without taking anything away from my father who has 142 caps for the national team that no one will take away from him”. Lilian, as a former central defender, also won a World Cup and a European Championship, so in any case a good example to follow.

How are you at Inter?
“I was quickly adopted by the Nerazzurri fans. Hearing your name chanted by 75,000 fans is intoxicating, and when you love what you do, and have a passion as great as mine, you can’t help but appreciate it.”

Read Thuram’s words on the upcoming European Championship here