So it’s a punch in the stomach. Now Commisso explain if you want to help Fiorentina grow

A punch in the stomach. The ones that leave you breathless. Another lost final. Another terrible disappointment for the purple people. We are destined to suffer, it is now clear. I’m sorry because at Franchi there were two little girls next to me who cheered wildly. They deserved to go to bed with a memory to cherish for a lifetime. Instead this Fiorentina betrayed them. She betrayed everyone. We were hoping for our three stars. We were hoping for Nico, Arthur and Bonaventura. Instead, nothing. A total disappointment. Never protagonists. Dull, banal. And the others? Nzola unpresentable. Impresentable Ikone. Terracciano and Milenkovic kept us afloat. Two monuments. On the pitch we saw a tired Fiorentina, with few ideas. Yet Olympiacos is a normal team. Inferior to us. But she had more heart and more ideas.

And now what happens? Italian will leave. He also didn’t convince me in the final in Athens. Why delay Beltran’s entry so long? The Argentine wasn’t in great health but he certainly couldn’t have done worse than Ikonè. Italian is a good coach but he still has to grow. Finals are also won with the coaches’ intuitions. Italiano lost three finals because he never had the right intuition.

The purple world is hurt, confused. More than one fan has asked me: “And now what happens?”. Dear President Commisso, it is your turn to answer this question. This time you must speak to your people immediately. But not of positive balance sheets and of the Franchi. You have to explain if you are satisfied with a Fiorentina that in the last three seasons has finished seventh, eighth and eighth in the league. Is this the size you imagine for the Viola? I hope not. In fact, I’ll say it right away, it can’t be this one.