Simeri: “I hope to return to wear the Bari shirt. Of Cesare? For me he plays another year”

“I love Bari, I will be linked to this square for life and I really hope to wear this glorious shirt again”. The attacker Simone Simeri interviewed by Telebari he spoke about his future with his return to the red and white after his loan experience in Serie C in Taranto: “I still have one year left on my contract and I hope to stay and experience emotions again with the red and white shirt. I spent three and a half intense years here, I bonded with the square and the fans and I really hope to have another opportunity. – continues Simeri – If it isn’t possible I will remain the first fan, but seeI want to play my cards in retirement”.

The class of ’93 then talks about the salvation of the Apulians and the relationship with captain Di Cesare: “I experienced everything up close, it was tough, but Bari couldn’t be relegated. Of Caesar? It never surprises mewith him I won two championships and he was always close to me even in the most complicated periods. For me he doesn’t stop, he plays another year. – Simeri continues, speaking about Polito – The director must be suffering from the situation because he puts his heart and soul into it, in my opinion he is the best director around. He’s hungry, charismatic and manages to bring out the best in everyone. I have great respect for him even though I left during his experience in Bari. For me we can easily start again from him”.

Finally, a point on the experience in Taranto that has just ended: “Beautiful experience with a hot pizza, I felt alive a bit like in Bari. We came second, the public pushed us and history cannot be erased. I scored 4-5 goals and I enjoyed it.”