Norway, Grainger and Reiten ahead of Italy: “In this group everyone can beat everyone else”

The Norway coach Gemma Grainger spoke at a press conference on the eve of tomorrow’s match against Italy (6.00 pm, live on Rai 2) in Oslo, focusing on the balance in Group A where the four teams are all on three points after two matches: “I’m not surprise, right now everyone can beat everyone else. But for us the only objective is the next match, we face one battle at a time. – continues the coach – We are playing at home and we want to play a good match for us and for the fans. We can’t wait to get on the field.”

“I expect a very aggressive team, which plays with heart. Recent results show that they are at a very high level and that they are a very good team, but we have to think about ourselves. – explains midfielder Guro Reiten – We are also good and tomorrow will be an extremely important match. In the previous round we saw how everyone can beat everyone else, but only two will go to the European Championship directly and we want to be one of them.”