More and more Palladino for Fiorentina: from the first signs in March to the scheduled summit: the latest


Raffaele Palladino is getting ever closer to Fiorentina. According to what was gathered by the editorial staff of TMW the current Monza coach, about to leave the Brianza club after two consecutive saves, is close to an agreement with the Viola and will meet the management of the Giglia club in the next few days to iron out the final details.

Interest that starts from afar.
It is certainly no small thing that Fiorentina is on the trail of Palladino, given that, as we told you, the path leading to the former Genoa striker to replace Italiano had already been opened since the end of March. The same coach last night, after the defeat against Olympiacos, spoke about the meeting that he will have, between today and tomorrow, with Rocco Commisso, but his fate is now sealed, given the increasingly probable farewell to Fiorentina .

Purple Revolution.
At this point it remains to be understood what Fiorentina will do on the market, given that many players will leave Florence and a large part of the squad will have to be re-established, to try to improve after a year which ended once again with a lost final, for the ‘bitterness and anger of all the purple people. New coach yes, but the players will also be needed, given that the big names failed in the most important match in Athens.