Lautaro-Inter, the first meeting for the renewal took place today: still no agreement. The last

Lautaro Martinez’s agent and the Inter managers already had their first face-to-face meeting today to talk about the renewal of the attacker’s contract. This is reported by the online edition of La Gazzetta dello Sport: the meeting – we read – did not take place at the Nerazzurri headquarters, but in one of the hotels in the center of Milan, far from prying eyes.

Another meeting
Between the parties – continues taking stock – there is a willingness to dialogue to reach an agreement, but the distance between supply and demand is still there. The player’s entourage and the Nerazzurri managers will meet again in the next few days, by Saturday, or after the club’s Board of Directors meeting scheduled for Tuesday.

Marotta’s words
These are the words of CEO Beppe Marotta, released yesterday, regarding the contractual situation of Lautaro Martinez: “It’s not a concern, they are negotiations, negotiations that represent dynamics typical of the world of football, especially at this stage of the season. Let’s start from an important consideration, namely that Lautaro has a great sense of belonging to this club, this city and will help us in the negotiation with his agent. There is certainly no rush, we will proceed calmly, there are corporate priorities, which we will address in due time these problems too, if we want to consider them as such, but not too much because they are ordinary situations”.