Juventus, contact for Di Lorenzo. But Conte wants to keep him at Napoli


There has been contact, in the last few hours, between Juventus and Giovanni Di Lorenzo’s entourage to understand what the future of the Napoli captain will be. Juve’s transfer man, Cristiano Giuntoli, had the defender under his orders in blue. For this reason he knows him very well, even if on the right – between Cambiaso and Weah – it will be necessary to understand how he will eventually be used. Inter have made a survey, but for now they are evaluating the profile of Wan-Bissaka from Manchester United, whose contract expires in 2025 and is valued at 12 million.

There is a however. Because Antonio Conte has already spoken to Di Lorenzo. An intervention that could ease the crisis of recent weeks, when Napoli had warned their captain about his transferability in the event of a suitable offer.

These, however, are the words of agent Mario Giuffredi. “I don’t deny what I said recently, when I said that Di Lorenzo signed for Napoli to stay there for life and that anyone who leaves the team now is a coward but at the same time I have always underlined that we stay in Naples as long as the club wants us, but if not it takes more is a different matter. If we are told that faced with the right offer the boy is on the market, it means that the club no longer believes in him and he is no longer at the center of the project. Would they? should have thought about it first, words weigh heavily and can hurt, maybe they should have hired the coach first and then gone to Di Lorenzo, you can’t always say one thing and then go back as if nothing had happened.”