Jovetic: “I’m happy. Ending my career at Fiorentina? It would be nice, they have my number”

Stevan Joveticfantasist ofOlympiacos and ex Florentinespoke to the microphones of Sky Sports after the 1-0 victory against the Viola in the final of Conference League: “I’m extremely happy because I suffered a lot to get to this point, it’s my first European medal. This year hasn’t been easy, we played against great teams, we did a good job. I want to thank my teammates, coach, staff and our fans , which are crazy. We will celebrate a lot tonight. I want to say goodbye to Fiorentina, I’m sorry because it’s the third final in two years that they lose. It wasn’t easy to play today, I always carry it in my heart, I spent 5 wonderful years in Florence. I wish him the best.”

Can you explain to us the meaning of this shirt (it has a photo of your father, ed.)?
“My dad, who unfortunately hasn’t been with us for 5 years, I was very close to him, I would be very happy if he were here. At least that’s how I bring him here.”

Do you still have contact with those who played with you at Fiorentina?
“Yes, I hear from many former players with whom I played, obviously there are also people who still work there, I have a good relationship with them. I came back against Inter, but then no… Either the national team is there or the club, I haven’t been back other times, but Florence is always a special city for me.”

Quagliarella speaks to Jovetic: “It’s a shame that you won against your Fiorentina.”
“Destiny played with us… You were a great player, I salute you, you scored some crazy goals.”

What will his future be?
“I signed a year plus a year, we’ll see. They wanted to talk, but I told them that the most important thing was to try to win, we’ll talk about it. I don’t know, let’s see, my goal was to win, that’s why I play football.”

Would you like to end your career at Fiorentina?
“They have my number, let’s see. You never know in football, Florence is special, it would be nice, Italian football is beautiful.”

Was the best Jovetic the one seen in Florence?
“Yes, I think so because I had more continuity, I was better physically. With everything that happened to me, I had many serious injuries, it’s important for me to always do well when I’m on the pitch and it’s not easy. This year, thanks God I’ve never stopped, it’s difficult when you stop 3-4 times a year to always have 10-12 goals, this says a lot about my mental strength.”