John Elkann: “From an early age, my brothers and I suffered violence from our mother”

Exor CEO John Elkann gave an interview to the newspaper ‘Avvenire’ which will be on newsstands tomorrow. During the question and answer, Elkann made known some very delicate issues related to the problematic relationship with his mother and the judicial events relating to the inheritance of the lawyer Gianni Agnelli: “With my brother and my sister we have full faith in the Italian judiciary. It’s a situation that has lasted for twenty years, since in 2004 my whole family rallied around Fiat, carrying out my grandfather’s wishes. The only one to opt out was my mother of being happy, for Fiat, for her family, for the realization of her father’s wishes, she reacted in the worst way”.

Then in another passage he added new revelations: “On a personal level, I experience this phase with great pain, which has distant roots. Together with my brothers Lapo and Ginevra, we have suffered physical and psychological violence from our mother since we were children. And it is this that has created a protective relationship on the part of our grandparents.”

Elkann, who also controls Juventus through Exor, then spoke about his life in Turin: “Although my work mainly takes me out of Italy, my wife and I decided to live in Turin: our children were born here and were baptized here and go to school. Our roots are in Turin, an area to which we are we feel connected and to which we continue to strengthen our social commitment”.