Inter, meeting between Lautaro’s agent and the management for the renewal within 48 hours: there is distance

These are decisive times as regards the renewal of Lautaro Martinez with Inter. What seemed to be a pure and simple formality is no longer the case, given that there is a distance between supply and demand, as has already emerged in recent days. The novelty is represented by the imminent arrival of Alejandro Camanothe Argentine’s agent, in office, with the management ready to welcome him within 48 hours.

The negotiation will continue.
For months now the new Italian champion club and the top scorer of the last Serie A have started talking, without haste given the current agreement in place until 2026, but with the aim of reaching the definitive white smoke, to extend the contract for another three seasons. The problem is precisely represented by the distance between what the attacker asks for and what Inter has put on the table.

Wide scissors.
The Nerazzurri have made their proposal of 8 million euros plus bonuses, until 2029, while Lautaro Martinez has upped the ante, asking for a salary of 12 million euros and up, up to 16, which is practically double compared to how much the Viale della Liberazione company would like to pay him. In the next meeting we will try to close the gap but, as mentioned, what seemed to be just a formality could get complicated in the end.