Dusty on Fiorentina’s defeat in the Conference: “This time it hurts even more”

From the columns of Corriere dello Sportthe journalist Alberto Polverosi he talked about the knockout of Florentine in the Conference final: “A pain like this is unbearable. One hundred and fifteen minutes, then the blow. And the lost looks, and the tears of the Viola. A terrible blow, of an emotional violence never experienced by this team which, even with defeats like this, has a certain experience. Six semi-finals and three finals in three years were not enough to bring home a trophy that Fiorentina would have deserved.”

He continues: “This final was worth more than a cup, it was a door to a brighter future, it was worth entry into the Europa League and it clearly and indisputably certified Fiorentina’s growth. A growth that nevertheless took place, even if many will remember the three years of Italian with the three finals lost. Instead, the path counts and if the team led by Vincenzo played 162 games (including Sunday’s recovery against Atalanta) in three seasons it means that it always fought to the end. on all fronts. It was still the last act that stopped them in that subtle difference (which according to people is not that subtle after all) between a winning team and a losing team. Ok, a loser yes, the results establish it, but disappointing no”.

In closing: “This is how Vincenzo Italiano’s three years end, with his dismayed look as he embraces his boys in the middle of the pitch. The disappointment is strong, it will take time to get over it. Three lost finals one after the other hurt, so much bad. And then we will have to start again. Yes, but how? And above all for what objective? It is up to Commisso to set the finish line, it is up to the team, the part that will remain in Florence, to attempt another assault on Europe he will play the Conference League and if he goes to the final again this time he will have no choice, he will have to win it.”