Cremonese-Venezia, the official lineups: Coda vs Pohjanpalo. Collocolo and Bjarkason from 1st

There are two changes compared to the return matches of the play-off semi-finals in the ranks of Cremonese and Venezia who will compete in the first leg of the final this evening at Zini. The Lombard coach Stroppa in fact chooses Collocolo in place of Pickel in the middle of the field alongside Castagnetti and Buonaiuto. Up front, Vazquez will once again support the striker Coda, while in defense the Ravanelli-Bianchetti-Antov trio is confirmed.

The lagoon players respond with Pierini alongside Pohjanpalo with Bjarkason acting as a left-footed winger in place of Zampano with Candela on the other side. Vanoli also doesn’t count by fielding seven of the eight players within a booking (Bjarkason, Busio, Idzes, Candela, Lella, Joronen, Tessman and Zampano) who could miss, in the event of a yellow card, the return leg scheduled for 2 June. These are the official lineups:

Cremonese (3-5-2): I will be; Ravanelli, Bianchetti, Antov; Zanimacchia, Collocolo, Castagnetti, Buonaiuto, Sernicola; Coda, Vazquez. Coach Stroppa

Venice (3-5-2): Joronen; Idzes, Svoboda, Sverko; Candela, Busio, Tessmann, Lella, Bjarkason; Pohjanpalo, Pierini. Coach Vanoli