Cremonese, Stroppa: “Venice will need more concreteness. We only have one result”

Giovanni StroppaCremonese coach, spoke to Dazn after the 0-0 against Venezia, focusing first of all on Simy’s presence in the stadium and at his side during the interview: “I’ll keep my team tonight and I hope they follow the same path as him. Simy and Christian (Gytkjaer Ed.) helped me win championships and for this reason I am linked to them beyond the footballing aspect.”

What is your comment on today’s performance?
“The people’s embrace of the team was beautiful, the attachment that the curve and the whole stadium made the team feel. There is satisfaction with the performance against a great team even though we kicked a lot of goals and tried and found several opportunities, but we could have been more incisive. Now we have to go and win in Venice, but it would have been the same with another result, and let’s go and play for it with awareness of our strengths. – continues Stroppa – It is essential to bring home an important result after the work done during this year. We will have extra motivation because we only have one result available to change the history of this championship.”

What Venice do you expect when you return?
“You should ask Vanoli. We will take the field to win, hoping that the episodes will turn out differently. We will try to create opportunities and remain balanced because we will not change our mentality which wants us to be dominated even if we have a very strong team against us. We need to materialize more and not concede anything to our opponents because they are important players who can hurt.”

Why the entry of Ciofani and Tsadjout instead of Coda and Vazquez?
I wanted more physicality centrally, to make better use of crosses given that we were playing well on the outside. It was a normal change in a situation where we needed more weight. Furthermore, Coda and Vazquez rested a bit.”

Are you missing an alternative to Vazquez?
“We have Buonaiuto, Falletti, it’s a shame about Johnsen who could have been an important weapon. Franco has uncommon qualities, a unique ability to link the game, but we have good alternatives.”