Baschirotto: “I don’t listen to transfer rumors. Salvation in Lecce is incredible”

The defender of Lecce Federico Baschirotto spoke to TVPlay after the salvation achieved by the Salento team in the last season in Serie A:

Second salvation with Lecce, how satisfying was it?
“Incredible, being saved in this city for two years in a row is really nice. We must congratulate my teammates, the club, the coach, the staff and obviously the whole city.”

What changed with Gotti on the bench? With you he built a perfect defense…
“He is a meticulous coach who gave us serenity and made us play football with a lot of personality. He tried to raise awareness among the players by telling us that we could bring home a goal quickly. The credit therefore goes to him and my teammates.”

You are the image of the footballer who reaches the highest levels with sacrifice and determination at 26 years old. Why did no one ever notice Baschirotto before Corvino?
“You have to find the right person who believes in your personalities. For some you are ready, for others you are not. I think that every player has his own path and his own time and, evidently, I had to reach 26 years old.”

They called you a footballer-farmer, which of the two professions is more tiring?
“Definitely the farmer (laughs ed.). This emblem was born due to the sacrifice and dedication I have given in recent years going from promotion to Serie A.”

Do you feel this affection from the fans?
“Yes I feel it because I’m not that far from the person watching me on the TV. I am a boy who believed in his dream and achieved it. The fans who see me in the stands have seen this journey and I like having given hope to the people.”

Which attacker physically gave you the most trouble?
“There are quite a few, but one that really surprised me is Zirkzee. He made an important exploit.”

What is your opinion of your teammate Krstovic?
“He is a player with huge potential. He can and will have a great career if he works hard. Others on my team like him too.”

Besides Baschirotto, who is the best defender in Serie A?
“Bastoni had a great season, then I often look at Italian defenders because they have always made the difference at world level and in fact my idols are Cannavaro, Nesta and Maldini. But also Chiellini himself, who always got down to business.”

How do you feel being at the center of transfer rumors? Are you someone who reads and informs you or do you speak directly with your agent and Corvino?
“I never read newspapers for transfer rumors. I don’t want to know anything about the outside because I don’t want to be influenced. When my agent told me about Lecce he made me burst into tears. I also cried when I signed for Serie B, because it was hard to leave the promotion. Every step you went up, you looked behind you and got excited.”

What is the next step?
“I always try to be better than the day before, so I often work by looking at what I do today to be better tomorrow”.