…with Beppe Accardi –

“Conte joining Napoli seems like a strange operation to me: 90% of Italians think that after two months he will argue with De Laurentiis”. Thus market operator Beppe Accardi told TuttoMercatoWeb.com.

The other profile identified was Gasperini.
“The same thing as Conte. Actually worse. Gasperini is to De Laurentiis what the Devil is to holy water. It’s right that Gasperini remained at Atalanta, which today is one of the most important clubs in Europe.”

Is Thiago Motta the right man for Juve?
“It could be, but it will have to have the right team available.”

Milan will choose Fonseca instead of Pioli.
“I believe that the fans did not agree with the dismissal of Pioli who in recent years with a good and not exceptional team has achieved exceptional results”.

Playoff B: Cremonese or Venice?
“They both deserve to go to Serie A.”

And your Palermo next year?
“He will take advantage of the mistakes made this year to try to get results. After all, building a palace takes time.”

Fiordilino: what future?
“Venice appreciates him, there are coaches who have had him and know they can count on him.”

Rizzo and Foggia?
“He is a player appreciated by several clubs. We will move at the right time.”

Maddaloni had a positive season in Potenza. Is the phone ringing already?
“It doesn’t worry me: we will find another location, the best possible.”

Mastrantonio and Pattarello?
“As for Pattarello and Mastrantonio, we will see what happens in the market. Certainly these are two boys monitored by different clubs.”