It’s about to come to life the 2024 edition of the Palio dei Rioni which, as per tradition, on the third Sunday of June, which this year falls on the 16th, will turn the spotlight on the city of Castiglion Fiorentino and its traditions. Resumed regularly in 1977, the long-awaited dispute between the three thirds was officially presented this afternoon at Rome in the Capitoline Hillin the prestigious setting of Carroccio Hallin the presence of a large delegation from the Ente Palio, as well as the President of the Capitoline Assembly, Svetlana Celli.
“It was a pleasure to welcome the presentation of such an evocative initiative here in Rome which represents not only a historical re-enactment, but an opportunity for involvement for an entire community – declares the President of the Capitoline Assembly, Svetlana Celli – Forging bonds and creating moments of sharing between various realities and different municipalities is, today, very important to create partnerships capable of uniting and enhancing Italian traditions”.
On the calendar Sunday 16 June, at 7pm, in Piazzale Garibaldi, the Castiglionese Palio is revealed, this year too, accompanied by a program full of initiatives which was inaugurated on Saturday 18 May with the evocative Musicians and Flag-wavers Competition won by the Cassero district. But it will only be on Sunday 9 June that the fateful pre-Palio week will open with the Solemn Mass which will mark the welcome of the Palio to the Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Grazie del Rivaio. On this occasion, in fact, the drape created by the Asti artist, this year’s winner, Luca Grippa will be presented.
On Monday 10 June, at 9.30 pm, at the “Emanuele Faralli” municipal stadium, the final of the 7-a-side football tournament between districts will be played, which, now in its second edition, from this year enjoys the patronage of the Lega Nazionale Professionisti Serie B .
“Castiglion Fiorentino has become the center of many sporting, cultural and historical events of international scope – states the president of Lega B, Mauro Balata; – since ours is the championship that best represents the Italian spirit and identity of our country, sponsoring an event that combines sport and tradition is, for us, a source of pride”.
“President Balata underlined what, for us, can be natural, that is, the importance of the sense of belonging to a neighborhood or a community: aspects that should not, however, be taken for granted – continues the Magistrate of the Palio dei Rioni, Pierpaolo Mangani – In our small way, in Castiglion Fiorentino, this healthy parochialism is an ingredient that is good for our palio and our community”.
As usual, the Serristori Equestrian Center will be the venue for the veterinary visits scheduled for the afternoon of Thursday 13 June, while on the morning of Friday 14 June, the blessing of the stables will be held: in a solemn manner and before they touch the track, the horses in fact, they will be blessed directly in the stables of the individual districts. During the same morning, the stables of the Terziere di Porta Fiorentina, the Rione Cassero and the Rione di Porta Romana will also host the little Castiglionesi for a guided tour dedicated to children. Finally, on Friday afternoon, the 3 and 6 horse trials will be held. On Saturday 15 June, it will be the turn of the 6-horse General Trial, at the end of which, in Piazzale Garibaldi, the “Paliotto – Memorial Giuseppe Gentili” will be run, before moving on to the propitiatory dinners of the three districts and the fireworks display in honor of the Madonna delle Grazie del Rivaio, to whose image the event is historically dedicated.
The fateful Sunday of June 16th will begin right at the Church of Rivaio: the Solemn Mass will be only the first moment of an evocative day which will continue, in the afternoon, with the historical procession along the streets of the city center for a real dive into the colorful past , music and period costumes. It will be a firecracker shot to mark the entry of the horses into the circle of Piazzale Garibaldi, where at 7pm it will finally be time to run the Palio.
This year too, numerous partners are lining up alongside the Palio dei Rioni who have always shared values and objectives with the Castiglione re-enactment.
“The Palio dei Rioni is one of the identifying elements of Castiglion Fiorentino. It summarizes not only its history but also the religiosity of a people and the sense of community – says the President of Estra, Francesco Macrì – The competition helps to strengthen the sense of belonging and Estra supports the Palio precisely because of its ability to be a factor of identity and external attraction”.
“We are very happy to support the Palio dei Rioni again this year and to offer our members the opportunity to participate, with a reduced ticket, in such a well-attended event which, with its engaging liveliness, creates opportunities for closeness between people ” let them know from Unicoop Florence.
“Castiglion Fiorentino has always been an example of cohesion for the entire Valdichiana; it can be seen from the uncommon ability to create a system: a spirit that is also found in Popolo events, such as the Palio dei Rioni, where people act for a common good despite the division of competition and challenge” – declare the General Director Roberto Calzini and President Andrea Cardoni of Banca Popolare di Cortona.
“This year too, Banca Tema is alongside the Palio dei Rioni and the entire Castiglione community. It is a pleasure to support an event that talks about local history and tradition, the same peculiarities that are also found in our Bank which has its roots in memory of our cities” remember Theme Bank.
“For the entire Ente Palio Città di Castiglion Fiorentino, today was another successful gamble” comments the President of the Palio Institution, Mario Agnelli.