Team Altamura, in Serie C at the ‘San Nicola’ in Bari. Contact Luiso for the bench


The stadium problem appears to be being resolved Team Altamura, a club newly promoted to Serie C. Given, in fact, the problems at the local facility, the “Tonino D’Angelo” club was forced to look for an alternative location for its home matches. Accommodation which should be that of the ‘San Nicola’ in Bari.

While waiting for this agreement to become official, the Altamura management has also taken action on a sporting level to find the coach who will lead the first team upon their return to the pro ranks.

For this reason, according to what was gathered by the editorial staff of TuttoMercatoWeb.comthere would have been contact with Pasquale Luisoa coach returning from a period in Serie D with the Chieri and recently also compared to Rimini And Turris.