Semplici: “I toured Italy and abroad to keep up to date. There is a desire to return”

Leonardo Sempliciformer coach of Cagliari, Spezia and SPAL among others, gave a long interview to the microphones of Radio Radio Mattino – Sport & Newstalking about A league: “Despite the various investments in other championships, the Italian championship is becoming attractive again even for great footballers. The work of many clubs, of many coaches, is being re-appreciated as in the past. Bologna has shown, I’m not saying something new, but something interesting. A coach always has many aspects to evaluate, to study, but not only in Serie A, but in all categories. There are coaches even in lower categories who manage to develop a certain type of game, a positive game. a game that can be appreciated. I am a person who travels a lot, I see, I observe and I try to learn. It is clear that in this respect the Italian coaches, both in Italy and abroad, demonstrate that they are among the best hope that in the future this will help Italian football to be appreciated at all levels again.”

What will his future be?
“There is the desire and will to return to a team that gives me the opportunity to put my ideas into play, the valorization of the player base that will be entrusted to me and the achievement of the objective and accessibility For my part there was a great study, a great movement. I traveled both in Italy and abroad to document myself, to see, to update myself, to be ready for a team that can give me this opportunity.”