Rome, from Svilar to Pellegrini: De Rossi’s untransferables

“There are some untransferable players in my head, but I won’t tell you.” Daniele De Rossi said it a few conferences ago before the end of the championship when answering a question about the company’s future plans in view of the next transfer market. Well, it’s true that the new manager Ghisolfi will have a lot of work to do because the squad will be revolutionized. Many goodbyes due to terminated loans, others because they were not considered indispensable in the Rome project that is about to be born. However, there are also those who, as DDR said, are untransferable. And that will be the backbone of next season. From Svilar to Mancini, passing through Cristante, Paredes, Pellegrini and El Shaarawy. Daniel vetoed them.

Then it’s clear, the market is unpredictable, but the hunt for the Champions League will start again from these six players. As the days pass, De Rossi hopes to be able to add Dybala too. For the coach he is untransferable but what is frightening, like every summer, is his release clause. For this reason, the next few weeks will also outline Paulo’s future. Waiting for the market to do the rest. The Giallorossi have been missing from the Champions League for six years now. And De Rossi has no intention of waiting any longer.