“Lazio? Missed in January due to a detail, it’s no longer a possibility: I’m talking to 3 other clubs, it expires in June. In Cremona, for 6 months he could only run around the pitch: now he’s relaunched”: it was on May 3 and Daniele Ferri, agent of the talented left winger now at Frosinone Emanuele Valeri, who joined the yellow-blues of Ciociaria from Cremonese in January, but with a contract lasting only six months. Which will expire on June 30th and from July 1st will therefore make him a player free to settle elsewhere. With the competition clearly making itself felt.
As in fact collected by the editorial team TuttoMercatoWeb.comthere are actually three companies that are probing the player, starting with Monza, which has been monitoring it for some time. Be careful though, To join the race for the class of 1998 there are also Torino and above all Udinesewhich with salvation centered is ready and determined to start again.
It cannot be ruled out that other suitors will emerge, but what is certain is that the player will have a wide margin of choice for what his near and immediate future could be. Certainly on the green rectangle of Serie A.