Moratti opens up about returning to Inter: “I don’t rule it out, even if it has very high costs”

The former president of Inter Massimo Morattiduring a long interview with the weekly Todayalso opened up about a possible return to the Nerazzurri: “Will we see the Morattis at Inter again? I don’t see it being easy. But I don’t rule it out. Maybe. My wife asks me every night if I’ve bought Inter back. And I have to find always a new excuse to justify myself. Buying Inter is quite a commitment, replies the president of many championships and the 2010 treble won on the night in Madrid.

The former Nerazzurri president explained what he means even better, here are his words reported by Oggi: “For us it is still too recent an experience. But as a boy I didn’t even think about being president of Inter, then I changed idea. And so, in the future who knows.”

The analysis of the most successful president in Inter’s history then becomes more detailed with a reference to Oaktree: “Buying Inter and keeping it high costs too much. An entrepreneur alone cannot do it today. Real Madrid is also full of debt, being a fan-president today is more difficult. Oaktree is very solid. But we need to see its objectives. The debt is so high that I don’t think they can leave it like this. And we have seen that winning is impossible.”