Inter, who as an alternative to Sommer? In addition to Bento, the name of Silvestri takes up popularity

If for the role of starting goalkeeper at home Inter there are no doubts, given the very high level season completed by Yann Sommerthe same cannot be said for the Swiss’ reserves.

Emil Audero will not be redeemed from the loan agreed last summer with the Sampdoria and, therefore, will return at least temporarily to Genoa. In fact, the adventure with the newly promoted man awaits him How.

To cover the role of 12th man, therefore, in addition to that of Bentoborn in 1999Atletico Paranaensein the last few hours the lead has also emerged Marco Silvestri of theUdinese. The class of 1991 lost his place as starter during the season that is about to end in favor of Maduka Okoye and with the contract expiring in 12 months he could easily free himself.

Finally, no doubt Raffale Di Gennaro as third goalkeeper.

Reporting the news is FcInterNews.