Inter, idea for a new central defense: the profiles of BIjol and Solet are on the list

In the speeches that, starting from tomorrow, the leaders ofInter they will do with coach Simone Inzaghi regarding the next transfer market there will also be those regarding a new central defender to add to the Nerazzurri squad.

He’s talking about it today Gazzetta dello Sport which explains how Ausilio and Marotta are monitoring different profiles in this sense: the idea is to possibly take young but ready-to-use players, in line with the Bisseck operation last summer. A good name in this sense could be that of Jaka Bijol, a power plant owned by Udinese. A valid alternative, however, is Oumar Solet of Salzburg.

The former has an existing contract valid until June 2027 and Udinese values ​​him at between 15 and 20 million euros. For Inter the valuation is too high, but by inserting some young players into the operation (in Fabbian style for Samardzic, before the operation for the playmaker fell through, ed.) the solution could be found. The Salzburg centre-back could instead have a more modest valuation, also given that his contract expires in the summer of 2025: several European clubs have their eyes on him and with around 10 million the Austrian club could give the green light to his departure already in summer.