Beppe MarottaCEO ofInterspoke thus from the stage of the Rosa Camuna 2024 award in the Lombardy Region: “I am very proud to be here, this venue represents my identity. I was born in Varese and raised in Lombardy, an experience that has served me very well. Perseverance, courage and humility are values that I have carried with me. I feel very Lombard, it is an award that I will always remember: in recent years I have won several awards, but this is one of the most important”.
There’s also a joke from Attilio Fontana, president of the Lombardy Region and AC Milan fan, who said: “Either he stops winning or he comes to AC Milan”. Marotta’s response was not long in coming: “I say that my journey is almost over now, after Inter I’ll rest.”
Four Lombard players at Inter: “It’s a further reason for pride, like Inter we tried to create a hard core, like Atalanta: I take this opportunity to congratulate Antonio Percassi. The Lombard mentality is always winning, today in Serie A there are five Lombardy teams and the sixth could arrive, Cremonese. Lombardy is always in the foreground.”