Ferguson: “I was so close to the dream of the European Championships, but in a second it disappeared”

A season of 10 and praise for him and Bologna, however conditioned by the serious injury (rupture of the cruciate) which ended the dream of the European Championship. Lewis Fergusonrossoblù attacking midfielder, spoke to Corriere dello Sport: “As a child I had two dreams: to play the Champions League and go with my national team to an international competition. I thought of going to the European Championships with Scotland and then playing the Champions League with Bologna. I was there, I was so close, I was so much so. And then, in a second, that dream disappeared. For me it was the most difficult thing”, says the Scottish attacking midfielder, who will probably also miss the first part of the 2024/25 Champions League.

Was it an unrepeatable year?
“And why? No, we have to maintain this standard, we have to continue to improve. We had a fantastic season, ok. We reached the Champions League, ok. We are happy. But we don’t want to stop here. As far as I’m concerned, we want to improve further, play the Champions League and do our best. There is no reason to stop.”

When will you return to the field?
“I don’t know, I don’t want to give a date, a specific moment. I don’t want to have any pressure. I don’t want people, fans, to expect me to come back soon. I just want to focus on recovery. I will try to do it as soon as possible, but without pressure.”