Conte asked ADL for Buongiorno del Torino. How much can the big hit on defense cost

Antonio Conte and Napoli, the wedding is approaching. A white smoke, a matter of days, hours, with the legal offices at work yesterday, even today, to define the final details of the contract. The Salento coach said yes to Aurelio De Laurentiis’s project to be the guide and helmsman of the rebirth from the ashes of the Campania project. A championship ago, Italian Champions, in the last season even out of the European Cups. This is why ADL called Conte who, clearly, to sporting director Giovanni Manna and to the Azzurri scouts, had already made it clear that he wanted players ready to make Napoli great again.

Good morning first name in defense
The first name for Napoli’s rearguard is Alexander Good morning of Turin. The centre-back will be involved in the European Championships in Germany next summer, if he passes the cut from Luciano Spalletti’s squad. Everything points towards a call and even a job in the Azzurri squad in the summer of 2024 and for this reason Napoli wants to try to speed up the time for a player followed for half of Serie A and also in the Premier League who Urbano Cairo will certainly not give up at prices modest.

How much is it worth and how much does it earn Good morning
Buongiorno’s price is around 35 million euros, Napoli had already tried and failed to bring him home in January, offering 25 more players including the Norwegian Leo Ostigard. Cairo wants cash, it remains to be seen whether Aurelio De Laurentiis will satisfy Conte by reaching such important figures. Now Buongiorno’s salary is 900 thousand euros which with bonuses reaches 1.2-1.3. A figure destined to at least double with the call of a big player.