Amelia: “Milan, Conte would have been the icing on the cake. Fonseca? The fans want results”

TMW exclusive

Marco Ameliaformer goalkeeper of Milanto the notebooks of analyzes the choice, currently most accepted, of Paulo Fonseca for the Rossoneri bench next year: “If the Milan managers have evaluated, together with other names, Paulo’s profile, which I saw up close in Rome, it means that they saw him as the right person for those who are the characteristics of the Milan players and for the environment at the moment. We hope it can give the results that all the fans want, because that is what the Milan fans want.”

Is that the right name? There was also talk of other things, like Conte.
“When we talk about Milan, we always bring up the best names. But the managers’ evaluations don’t just focus on the training methodologies, but also on the character and the players you have in your squad. They will certainly have evaluated Paulo as the best profile. Then Conte is a great coach and it would have been a cherry on top for the fans, but there was certainly something else in the management’s assessment.”

Conte who seems close to Napoli instead. Is it the most suitable profile for the situation?
“Yes. Up until now he has always taken teams that needed to be revived and he has done it very well. If we think about Juve, Inter… he has brought them back to winning. He is certainly the ideal profile also for Napoli, who starts from a base already very strong, coming from a season not up to the level of the squad.”

Instead in Rome we start again from De Rossi. A choice that will pay off?
“I hope so. The moment you choose Daniele, who has done well in recent months, then you can’t change him. You have to trust him, it’s right that this trust is long-term. A coach, especially a young one, cannot think of stay on the gridiron. Even though the coach, despite having an indefinite contract, is still in question. But the Friedkins have made the right decision, now it’s up to Daniele and the staff, building a new team and confirming the Friedkins’ choice.” .