The Super League is alive and fighting with us: a blow from Madrid for UEFA and FIFA

Something is changing around the Super alloy. In recent days, there has been an important step backwards by the Italian Football Federation: on the basis of the ruling of the European Court of Justice, the FIGC has in fact eliminated the rule that prohibited clubs in the Italian championship from participating in the possible elite super competition. On the day just ended, here is another important news.

The Madrid court in charge of the matter in fact ruled in favor of the organizers of the competition, explaining that FIFA and UEFA abused their dominant position, “since the defendants’ action was not aimed solely at avoiding the development of a specific project, but at avoid the implementation of a third competitor and the modification of the monopolistic system of the organization of the competitions, given that the same defense has been maintained throughout the procedure even when the Super League project has lapsed or at least it has been accepted that it will not be developed in the terms initially proposed”.

The sentences, as is known, are interpreted and commented on. UEFA did so with a note in which it “takes note of today’s ruling from the Commercial Court of Madrid” and states that it “does not grant third parties the right to carry out competitions without authorization and does not concern any future project nor any version modified version of an existing project”.

The analysis of A22 Sport Management is diametrically opposed: “The era of the UEFA and FIFA monopoly is over”, writes the company that today leads the Super League project.