Team Altamura, the stadium problem remains for C. The ‘San Nicola’ of Bari is evaluated

“There are only a few days left until registration for the next championship is completed and, at present, TEAM ALTAMURA CALCIO does not have a stadium. The intervention of political forces is extremely urgently required in order to find an immediate solution to the problem, also consulting the various police headquarters considering the imminent deadlines”: thus, on Friday through an official press release, Team Altamura, which didn’t even have time to enjoy promotion to Serie C due to this problem related to the systems which could jeopardize an extraordinary journey.

The situation is decidedly delicate, because time is running out and there is still no solution. As reported by the TV station’s website South antennathe red and white club would have received the ok from Francavilla Fontana to play at the ‘Nuovarredo Arena’, but the problem of public order remains on site which would force the club to play behind closed doors, and therefore the the ‘San Nicola’ idea of ​​Bari; which would indeed be expensive, but would avoid the club’s expulsion from the championship. However, the path that leads to ‘Viviani’ is totally excluded, considering Sorrento’s permanence in Potenza.

More will be known in the next few days, certainly by Tuesday 4 June, which will be the decisive one in this regard.