Spalletti supports Inter: “Thank goodness he believes in Italian talent. Nerazzurri block is fundamental”

Luciano Spallettitechnical commissioner ofItalyspoke to the media in attendance, including gazzetta.itbefore the national team’s European Globe Soccer Awards and the importance of the block Inter: “I think it’s fundamental for us. And thank goodness that Inter still believes in what Italian talent is, because there are so many of them, we should give them a little more space and structure in the minds of these guys what should be a growth done well to then become champions and footballers. Having 6 of them from the same team is a lot, it’s no longer like it used to be when the national team was made up of players from Inter, Juventus, Milan, at most Roma. Now there they are footballers from Genoa, Bologna… In short, they come from all over the world. Having someone who then looks at each other while playing and says: ‘It’s us and you can trust us because we’ve already shown it with the scudetto’ becomes an advantage. advantage”.

Can the Inter block take example from the Juventus block of ’82?
“The Inter block has its own mentality, its own way of being on the pitch, they are strong players, as were those of the Juve block. It is clear that they will have to be good at indicating what will be the completeness of being a team and of feeling like a team, through this friendship, this relationship that they have within their club becomes fundamental for everyone else too.”