Phil Foden, simply the best in the Premier League. A City flag at 24 years old

At the age of 9 Phil Foden he put on his shirt Manchester City and from that day on he never took it off again. It was clear right from the start that he was predestined because his qualities were too clear and evident not to be noticed by the experts, but also simply by the fans. Being able to establish yourself in a team like Guardiola’s without ever going out on loan and coming from the youth team is something for a select few, he is one of those who managed it and it is no coincidence.

His playing time increased year after year and never mind if in his debut season at 17 he didn’t manage to score, the goals still arrived a little later. 2022-2023 was the first championship in which he managed to reach double figures, but his apotheosis and technical delirium occurred in 2023-2024. Beyond the goals, beyond the assists, the things that surprised everyone a bit are his oriented control, able to almost always skip the opponent, his shooting precision, watching the goals against Real Madrid and West Ham to understand what is meant, and above all his versatility: attacking midfielder, winger on the right, winger on the left and even sometimes even a false 9. His maturity is incredible, he plays like a veteran, he is not afraid, he doesn’t suffer from pressure, he’s used to making a difference on big nights. He just needs to drag theEngland to win the European Championship and could even potentially be a candidate for the Ballon d’Or.

To give an idea of ​​his career, he already has an Under 17 World Cup with England, 2 Community Shields, 4 Carabao Cups, 2 FA Cups, 6 Premier Leagues, a European Super Cup, a Champions League and a Club World Cup under his belt. To these trophies we must add individual ones: he won the award as the best U24 in the Premier League twice, he was once included in the Top 11 of the Champions League and, finally, he was just awarded the award as the best footballer in the league. English championship. Phil Foden turns 24 today.