Napoli is already at Conte’s feet and waiting for the tweet. The IG profile of the technician under attack

Turning the page, for the city of Naplesmeans reading at the top of social trends, on X, old Twitter, a single name: Antonio Conte. Everyone talks about it in the bar or on the web, it has been the main topic of discussion for days, it is the name that inflames the fans, which has brought back the enthusiasm that has faded in recent months due to the results on the pitch. Conte – underlines the Corriere dello Sport -, for the fans he is the right coach to start again, to give life to the re-foundation.

Already in October, when Napoli contacted him during Garcia’s precarious days, the streets went wild with tweets and posts. De Laurentiis thought about it and, at the same time, the city hoped about it. Now the Napoli fans are anxiously awaiting the announcement, they hope that the deal can soon become official, which is why they are following every phase of the negotiation.

Conte is trendy, as is De Laurentiis, the actors of the post-scudetto film. The coach’s Instagram profile has been stormed by Neapolitans, with hundreds of comments appearing for days. This way you can also measure the thermometer of the passion that is about to explode.