Naples, De Paola: “Conte won’t work. We can’t focus on Lukaku again.”

TMW Radio

Paolo De Paola spoke during today’s appointment with L’Editoriale on the frequencies of TMW Radio. These are his words:

How do you judge the Conte operation for Napoli?
“Until I see it I don’t believe it, we are used to too many denials with De Laurentiis with sudden changes. When it is, it will be. I take responsibility for what I say, but I don’t think it will work. I don’t like the idea of ​​a Conte discarding Osimhen and still focusing on Lukaku. He still can’t be a player who makes the difference, I hope so for Conte who would also do without Kvara. We are not there, while instead he wants to keep Di Lorenzo who broke diplomatically with Napoli. This is the picture of a coach who has had no other offers, he has a pharaonic offer of 8 million per year, an offer of 60 million gross for three years never made by Napoli for a coach. We’ll see how long this relationship will last. You can’t continue to focus on a player like Lukaku, especially if you have to replace someone like Osimhen.”

Could it be a limit for a Juventus player like Conte to empathize with Napoli?
“It may be a limit not so much for Conte but for the Napoli fans, who will not be able to fully empathize with him. Conte is a fumer, he doesn’t take criticism and I don’t think he welcomes a challenge after a couple of draws. If he is the usual impetuous and aggressive Conte who tries to create empathy with the group and the environment, I believe there will be many difficulties.”

If you were Di Lorenzo, what path would you take between staying in Naples and saying goodbye, perhaps to Juventus?
“I believe that you can’t go beyond money, the difference is also made by the ways and the feeling that is created between players and presidents. If this relationship ends I don’t understand how we can move forward. If De Laurentiis brings Conte and manages to confirm Di Lorenzo then well done to him, because it means that he has important merits. De Laurentiis wants something and gets it, this has been demonstrated.”

Can Chiesa be sacrificed in the summer to make a transfer for Juventus?
“Someone is talking about a Thiago Motta who doesn’t look favorably on Chiesa, but I think it’s fake news spread by those who want to put the player in a bad light. I believe that a player like Chiesa could fit very well into Thiago Motta’s schemes.”

What does Fonseca represent for Milan?
“The Fonseca idea needs to be seen where it comes from. Does it originate from Moncada? Did it come from a study done in recent months? I always keep the De Zerbi hypothesis open, not so much because of popular acclaim but because he is part of the AC Milan world and can do well, even if he has to start winning. I have always defended Fonseca even in his time at Roma, but I wouldn’t want him to be limiting for Milan. He is a placement coach, he has only won at Shakhtar. He doesn’t seem like a coach who can satisfy the ambitions of a team like Milan.”