Modena, Bisoli: “An important combination has been established with Catellani. We start again with 10/11 players”

“What matters is creating an important identity, having a trademark and showing that we have a certain physiognomy of play. In my opinion we are on the right track, I have a good feeling with Catellani and the Rivetti family and I am sure that we can do very well here”. The Modena coach Pierpaolo Bisoli he spoke like this to the microphones of TRC during the ‘Gialli di Sera’ broadcast, talking about his relationship with the Emilian club and then focusing on the market and some of the individuals he has trained in recent months.

“When I coach Modena, for me only Modena exists and I am someone who likes to identify with the territory it occupies. I had seen this team three times this year and I’m happy that the right opportunity arose to come here where we can do something important. You win when you create a single and united block, creating a union of intent between players, club and public. Sacrifice and union, this is necessary for success.”

Then there is room for the market: “There is a director with whom we got along right away. The strongest department is the midfield, but there will be adjustments and interventions both forward and in defense, Catellani has great ideas and we have established an important partnership. – continues Bisoli as reported – He has the knowledge of young people which is fundamental, while I will make my experience in the category available and good results can be achieved from our union. I want players eager and enthusiastic to come here and immediately say yes to the Gialloblù cause, Modena is above everything and therefore players must arrive with enthusiasm, sacrifice and skill. There are 10/11 outfield players to start from, then we’ll seeup front I want to focus on two attackers and an attacking midfielder so we need at least three attackers with characteristics that match each other.”

Finally, Bisoli focuses on some elements present in the squad: “Bozhanaj must be made to understand that the light bulb must always be on, I will focus on it even if he has to grow a lot, but I want him to make the leap in quality. The closer Palumbo is to goal, the more decisive he is, Gerli and Santoro are equally good and can play together even if the former will be at 100% training at the end of August and will therefore miss at least the first three matches of the season. Giovannini and Guiebre? We’ll see, Catellani will take care of it and together with him we’ll talk about their characteristics. I have a lot of faith in Andrea.”