Milan, Emerson Royal target for the right wing: meeting with the agent

After choosing Pioli’s heir – Paulo Fonseca so only the official information is missing – from next week onwards Milan will have to seriously focus on the summer transfer market session to ensure that the Portuguese coach can have the best possible team from the start of the Rossoneri meeting in the first days of July. In this sense, in addition to the striker who will be the main objective of the transfer market, the club will also aim for other profiles: among these there is also a right back and the strongest name at the moment would be that of Emerson Royal.

The Brazilian full-back, currently playing for Tottenham, has already been sought in the past by the via Aldo Rossi club. Today the Gazzetta dello Sport reports on the meeting that took place yesterday at Casa Milan between the top management of the Rossoneri club and the player’s agent Stefano Castagna: “Emerson Royal is up for the right wing. Meeting with the agent”. In the subtitle the rosy continues: “Tottenham’s Brazilian first target but it costs 30 million”. If it were not possible to reach Royal, this year behind in Postecoglou’s hierarchies, Milan would already have an alternative ready: it is Tiago Santos from Lille who would find Fonseca again.