Guide: “No problem registering for Ternana. Breda? Difficult stay”

The president of Ternana Nicola Guida spoke to Courier of Umbria of the projects for the next season while also taking a step back on the season that has just ended with a bitter relegation to the play outs: “For various reasons we came close to salvation with great regret in various matches including SudTirol and Spezia, where in the last moments we lost fundamental points for salvation. It’s sad because the boys, the coach and the sporting director gave everything. Now let’s look ahead.”

Then there is room for next season which will almost certainly not see coach Roberto Breda and sporting director Stefano Capozzucca in red and green: “Breda is unlikely to be in Terni next season, while as regards the sporting director I haven’t heard from him in the last few days, but there is It’s a meeting scheduled for this week.”

Guida then focuses on the team and the market: “In the event of salvation we already agreed on several arrivals, but now we have to concentrate on the work to be done. However, it will be a Ternana made up of a mix of young people and experts to best face the challenge that awaits us. – concludes Guida – As far as registration is concerned, there are no problems or critical issues whatsoever. The Liberati will not only be our stadium, but will be the subject of works next season.”