Frosinone, revolution after relegation: what future for Di Francesco and Angelozzi?

Sampdoria, Cagliari, Verona, Frosinone. The last four experiences on the bench, for example Eusebio Di Francesco, they were all forgettable. In Ciociaria, the Abruzzo coach seemed to have found himself again: a great first round and pleasant football, Frosinone was the revelation of Serie A for a long time before crashing at the best moment and sadly being relegated after the defeat against Udinese, in home, in what was a real playoff.

Maurizio Stirpe seemed the most lucid of all and, in the heat of the moment, declared after the great disappointment: “These are tough moments for him too, especially in light of the values ​​that we have been able to express throughout the season. It is premature to talk about the future and possible permanence, sometimes you have to understand within yourself what your will is and whether you will be able to free your head.” Words that do not dispel doubts about the future, even if it seems clear that the 54-year-old from Pescara will not will renew the contract expiring in June.

The bitter return to Serie B could bring a real revolution, because also the future of Guido Angelozzi seems to be in the balance. The director of the technical-operational area, as he himself admitted months ago, still has four years left on his contract with the Lazio club but is one of the most sought after managers, especially by the clubs in the cadet series: Salernitana, Bari and Sampdoria have long been on his trail and the Apulians are more than anyone intent on stealing him from Frosinone, thus ending the troubled Polito era.