Di Gregorio’s agent holds back: “He’s ready for Juve, but it’s not true that everything is done”

Carlo Alberto Belloniagent among others of Michele Di Gregoriogave an interview to Sportitaliatalking about the season just ended by the goalkeeper Monza: “Was it his true consecration? Absolutely yes, he reached very high levels. Yesterday I was looking at Sofa’s various statistics, which show him among the best goalkeepers in Europe in terms of performance, in the top lineup of the top 5 European championships. a great satisfaction.”

How have you experienced this growing attention from us in the media?
“Actually in a very calm way. We knew what he could do, we always knew it and we chose to follow a path that could lead him to improve season after season. And in this last one he raised the level further. Last year, at the first in Serie A, you journalists gave him up because Cragno had to play. This is part of the rules of the game. He’s calm, he’s satisfied, he’s becoming a great player.”

The national team was a dream for Di Gregorio, but she explained that she still understood the hierarchies in the role.
“Of course, we knew it: he has never been called up in this period given that the national team has been working with 3 goalkeepers for 2 years. Due to the delicate nature of the role I understand it and we expected it, then in my opinion once the European Championship is over they will start new ballots in the which, if it continues like this, will be difficult not to consider.”

Where do you see him growing the most compared to a year ago?
“He has become more mature in certain moments of the match, on the choices to make: at times he was too instinctive, now he manages impulsiveness better. As we said before, he was also good in managing the media attention, keeping his feet to ground, but with awareness. Because by winning the award as best goalkeeper in Serie A he realizes that he is strong, while maintaining all the humility that has always distinguished him. Now he is ready to make a leap forward by moving to a more important club Everything according to plan.”

Isn’t Galliani surprised by his growth?
“He was the first to believe in it. I remember when Monza lost the playoffs the first year in Serie B. Immediately afterwards the Doctor called me to confirm the player for the following season, again in Serie B. And I told him: ‘Okay Doctor, but last year there was the right to redeem, now we would like to put the obligation because if we were to win the championship, it will be right for us to play Serie A with Monza. And rightly so last year the club wanted to have two strong players in the role and there was that opportunity to have Cragno given Cagliari’s relegation. On a practical level, however, Di Gregorio played all the matches, leaving only one for Cragno… the Tiger Man ate the game. ‘Man Cragno in short (laughs, ed.)”.

What did you and Galliani say to each other in view of the transfer market?
“Of everything that has been written, there is a small truth: there has been some chatter with Juventus. From there to saying that everything is done, it is not true. We are talking, the championship has been over for two days, this it’s the moment in which all the clubs are sorting out many managerial and coaching aspects… It’s nice, but just as there were with Juve, there may have been other chats. Then Michele will go on holiday and if we have something concrete and there will be the possibility of leaving Monza, then he will do it.”

Is he ready for Juventus and more competition?
“As far as competition is concerned, certainly, it has always been there. As you move up the level, the competition gets higher and helps you become stronger. And as for being ready, absolutely yes, thanks to the path taken : he was the best goalkeeper in C with Renate, then the best goalkeeper again in C with Novara, the best goalkeeper in B with Pordenone, then promotion with Monza, last year he was in the top 3 and this year the best also in Serie A. His performance speaks for him, as does his work methodology. The championship is over, but the boy is now still at the camp undergoing therapy, because he has a discomfort in his side that he wants to fix before the holidays” .