D’Agostino: “In eight years I’ve never had any offers for Casertana. I’m making them grow”

The season ended with reaching the playoffs in a privileged position, the president of Casertana Giuseppe D’Agostino spoke on the club’s official channels not so much to talk about the sporting year, but to clarify some dynamics regarding the future of the club: “For the umpteenth time I am forced to witness a succession of unfounded rumors which seem to have been constructed to art to create confusion. Once again I hear of entrepreneurs interested in taking over Casertana and of my total obstructionism in the face of a feared growth of the club. Nothing could be further from the truth. These are unfounded rumors which, however, repeatedly force me to answer the questions they ask leverage on this topic. For this reason I reiterate a concept for the umpteenth time: in 8 years I have never received offers to acquire all of the club’s shares, nor proposals to participate within the current structure. I believe I have demonstrated several times how the growth of Casertana is the absolute priority of my management. I demonstrated it with the continuous sacrifices made by my family and confirmed when we fought and strongly believed that these colors could take back what they deserved. For this reason it seems ungenerous and in bad taste to try to discredit my person by citing reasons far removed from reality. I can only express a clear concept once again: I am always available to listen to the proposals of anyone interested in doing good for Casertana. Because the future of the rossoblù colors is what matters most, beyond any personalism. Not fearing any denial, I express my availability for a public meeting with any entrepreneurs and/or groups forced to deal with my refusal!”.

And he concludes: “On the New Stadium front, however, I am categorical: I tell the skeptics that they will soon have to apologize. All this defeatism is not good for that healthy part of the environment which, rightly, anxiously awaits this important turning point. We are ready and the news that everyone hopes for is about to arrive!