Cremonese-Venice, challenge between the 2 queen regions of the play offs: Piedmont in the sights

Veneto and Lombardy are confirmed again this year as the two queen regions of the Serie B play-offs. In fact, with Venezia there are 17 participations by a Venetian team in these play-offs, while the Lombardy ones have risen to 14 thanks to their presence this year. year of Cremonese finalist against the lagoon players and Brescia eliminated by Catanzaro. Further behind is Emilia Romagna with 10 participations to close the podium which then sees Liguria and Tuscany at its feet with eight. In the queue, without even a single participation, there are Basilicata, Molise and Val d’Aosta.

He brings it back The Corriere dello Sport drawing up the ranking of regional participation which sees Piedmont, Puglia and Umbria at six, Campania and Lazio at four, reached this year by Calabria and then, going further down, Sicily and Abruzzo with three, Marche with two and finally Friuli Venezia Giulia, Sardinia and Trentino Alto Adige with one. At team level, however, Brescia leads the standings with seven participations, followed by Spezia and Cittadella with six. While for Cremonese and Catanzaro it was the first time ever in the play-offs.

The region with the most jumps in Serie A is Piedmont which is the only one with 3 with the two victories of Torino, in 2005 (then revoked) and in 2006, and that of Novara in 2011. However the final ends between Venice and Cremonese, Veneto or Lombardy will join Piedmont. For Veneto there were the successes of Verona (2019) and Venezia (2021) while for Lombardy those of Brescia (2010) and Monza (2022). At 2 we also find Emilia Romagna, Tuscany and Liguria. Only one success for Puglia, Campania, Lazio, Abruzzo and Sardinia.