Bari, after the salvation the protest returns: fans on the pitch against the timeshare

The issue of timeshare is very sensitive in Bari, given the shared ownership with Napoli linked to the De Laurentiis family, and for this reason the Curva Nord has launched an appeal to all the fans and citizens of the Apulian capital to meet and protest against the possibility that the same person holds control of two different clubs.

“Consistent with what was stated before the last five matches, now we take to the field. Anyone who loves Bari, without exception, is invited to participate”, reads the post on social media, while in the poster of the event it is written: “If you love the city, if you care about the fate of the Old Star of the South, take to the streets with us against the timeshare. All together, solid and compact. Now the time has come to demonstrate who the Bari fans are.”