Allegri courted by Arabia. First he has to resolve with Juventus: everything is in the hands of the lawyers

What will be the future of Massimiliano Allegri? The now former Juventus coach – he writes La Gazzetta dello Sport – he is courted, like a summer ago, by the Arab sirens but to accept one of the rich offers coming from the Saudi Pro Leqgue, he will first have to resolve his situation with Juventus.

It’s about severance pay
Everything is in the hands of the lawyers after the disciplinary complaints that the club made against him, which cost him his dismissal after the Italian Cup final. We are looking for a way to avoid going to court, reaching a settlement. The first proposal of 14 million euros gross made by the coach (compared to the 20 that he should receive for the last year of the contract, including staff) was rejected. The Juventus club aims to lower the figure.

Juventus’ statement on Allegri from May 17th
“Juventus announces that it has relieved Massimiliano Allegri from the role of coach of the men’s first team. The dismissal follows certain behaviors during and after the Italian Cup final which the club deemed not compatible with the values ​​of Juventus and with the behavior that those who represent it must adopt”.