Ag. Maiello: “There will be important changes in Bari. We will evaluate everything at the right time”

The next one for the Bari Of Luigi De Laurentiis it must be the season of revolution. After the terror experienced in the playout against Ternana the current technical course must be closed to open another one. Everyone is up for debate. Both in management and on the green rectangle. With this in mind, guest of, Gaetano Fedeleagent of the red and white midfielder Raffaele Maiellotook stock of the present and future of his client:

“Salvation is an ending that Bari and Bari deserved. The match showed clearly different values ​​between the teams. Everything that everyone hoped would come out first came out. The players demonstrated that they can save a year that was It was a bit foolish. Raffaele was very unlucky for what happened. My compliments go to him not so much for his performances but for his speed in regaining form and his ability to always be useful for the group I don’t say he’s a crucial player for Bari, but all the coaches who have always used him say it because Maiello has always played since he arrived in Bari. His contribution was important, as was that of the others.”

On the future, however, he explains: “When the seasons end the first thing to do is switch off. Raffaele has a contract and then we will talk about it calmly and we will see. I believe that there will be some important changes in Bari. Everything will be evaluated at the appropriate time.”