Vicenza, Vecchi: “We are in great condition. Pay attention to Avellino’s offensive front”

It’s already the eve of the Serie C playoff semi-finals for the four teams left in the running. For what concern Vicenza Tomorrow the first leg is scheduled at home toAvellino: a challenge on which Stefano Vecchi he expressed himself during the usual press conference the day before:

“From a physical and mental point of view – we read above -, the physical data says that we are in great condition, the GPS says that the return to Padua was the best of the last seven games. We must be carried away by great enthusiasm, we have already played in two warm fields and Avellino will be the same but we are experienced. What race am I expecting? Avellino also plays good organized football, we have to pay attention to their offensive potential but we have shown great solidity and we will play well. In Padua if we had been good we would have managed the first 20-30 minutes better but instead we struggled, we have to go onto the pitch thinking one time at a time. What could make the difference? The attitude, we will have to go onto the pitch with the awareness of being a strong team.”

On a tactical level, then, the coach of the Lane Rossi explains: The module with two attackers? Putting an extra midfielder was seen as a defensive choice but that’s not the case. Greek in the middle? It may be that, in addition to Rossi and Proia, they are finding the best conditions. Two tips? We usually play like this, but there’s still one day left, we’ll definitely play with three offensive players.”

Finally, a point on the injured players: “Tronchin? He has a minor muscular problem, we hope to recover him for the final. The players who are within a ban? We live one match at a time then we will eventually manage the emergency, some disqualifications will happen, we are recovering Rossi and Proia, the important thing is not to have physical setbacks.”