Ultras Padova against Mirabelli: “Negative figure for the club. Responsible for the lack of success”

A moment of high tension what is being experienced in Paduawith the biancoscudata team which also this year missed out on promotion to Serie B. The race of Mr. Oddo’s team stopped in the Second Round of the National Phase of the playoffs, which saw Vicenza annihilate the Paduans and come close to the final: a situation that the fans, much less the organized support, which had its say through a harsh statement, in which the finger was pointed above all at Massimiliano Mirabelli.
Below is the note:

“The Biancoscudato train arrives on time at its next stop, but does so by derailing at Vicenza central station, humiliating its passengers once again. We are at the terminus and it is time for those driving to pack their bags.
The outcome of this trip is tremendously negative, but nothing is random, on the contrary it is very punctual:
You cannot be successful if you make your sporting fortunes travel in fourth class while the closing of the balance sheets resides alone in first class;
You cannot succeed if you entrust sports management to a cowardly, overpaid director, cowardly hidden in every focal moment;
You cannot be successful if you boast about proprietary infrastructures but, between promises and renderings, you train yourself by asking permission from someone else;
You cannot be successful if your “home” is indecent, uncomfortable, unusable, under seizure… yet another and timely shame of Padua politics;
You cannot be successful if you do not have ambition, planning and ideas;
You cannot be successful if you sack coaches twice close to the last stop, without protests from the public or impressive strings of defeats;
You cannot be successful if you do not protect your fans from refereeing wrongs, grotesque episodes and continuous palace abuse;
You cannot be successful if you do nothing to attract new fans and even manage to disaffection even the most loyal fans;
You are responsible for all this “NOT HAPPENING”.
In Padua it is almost impossible to win, the numbers and history don’t lie, owners and politicians regularly go astray, committing the sin of pride and arrogance.
For this reason we demand that space be left for new figures, willing to humbly dialogue with an exhausted, resigned and humiliated square like no other in Veneto.
Despite all the accidents along the way, on Saturday, once again, the Padova fans proudly, and a little madly, wore their scarves around their necks, proudly waving the Biancoscudata flag.
We are viscerally linked to the white jersey and it is our responsibility to keep it away from extremely negative figures like that of Massimiliano Mirabelli. Now we will see if the promises of assumption of responsibility pronounced on April 9th ​​will take shape or if they will remain the usual and banal phrases of circumstance.
Forward once more with a straight back, broad shoulders and ready for the next punctual stop…
We are the Paduans!
Ultras Padua”.

Ultras Padova press release

The Biancoscudato train arrives on time at its next stop, but does so by derailing…

Published by Ultras Padua on Monday 27 May 2024