UEFA, no green light for the Super League from the Madrid court

(ANSA) – ROME, MAY 27 – “The court has not given the green light or approved projects such as the Super League. The judge, in fact, stated that the Super League project has been abandoned for some time and that he cannot be expected to rule on any abstract projects”. This was stated in a note released by UEFA, in which “he takes note of the ruling today of the Commercial Court of Madrid” on the case opened by the European Super League company (ESLC) and announces “that it will take time to study the ruling before deciding whether further action is necessary”.

“UEFA is pleased to note – continues the statement – that the judge confirmed the validity of a pre-authorisation system in force for third party competitions to be approved according to UEFA’s authorization rules and recognized the undoubted advantages of such rules for the football sports system. The court also confirmed that the current version of UEFA’s licensing rules (adopted in June 2022) are not affected by today’s ruling.”

“The sentence, in short – we finally read – does not give third parties the right to carry out competitions without authorization and does not concern any future project nor any modified version of an existing project“. (ANSA).