Udinese, Pozzo: “We risked Serie B. In recent weeks I’ve been ashamed”

In a long interview granted to TV12the patron of Udinese Giampaolo Pozzo he spoke like this about the salvation he had just achieved: “We are happy not to have had the problem that had emerged in the last few days, because we risked Serie B, I was scared. Maybe it would have been too great a punishment for us, the fans and our province, but we took the risk, if you arrive with 10 minutes to go it can’t all be foreseen and calculated, I appreciate the congratulations, but we could also, quote, be ashamed of having arrived at this point, I have felt ashamed for the last few weeks.

I suffered, then you see certain opponents who achieve certain goals and suddenly seem to have become world champions and you don’t understand how they did it. You feel bad about it.”

About the future: “We will do everything to ensure that it doesn’t happen in the future, but unfortunately I can’t guarantee because there can be unforeseen events in football. But we are all in the same boat and we don’t want to suffer like this again, I thank the fans for the solidarity shown, which is necessary to save us. In recent months the fans have rallied around the team and it has been important for achieving the objective, my recommendation is that they continue like this and we will try to do better than we have done.”