Taranto, Wednesday the decisive match for Capuano’s stay on the bench

Unless there is any breaking news, Wednesday 29 May will be the decisive day for the future of the club’s bench Taranto. According to what was reported by South antenna on that day the decisive meeting between Massimo Giove and Ezio Capuano should be held. At stake is whether or not the Campania coach will remain. The parties seem very close to reaching an agreement for the continuation of the relationship together.

In this summit all the most important points will be clarified on the relaunch of the Taranto project by president Giove with the full intention of raising the bar again and aiming for an even more competitive championship by trying to achieve promotion to Serie B.

An objective which, even more so, would lead Capuano to remain on the Taranto bench with new and attractive ambitions. Everything will be decided on Wednesday. The fans are waiting.